Activities overview

All activities 97 results

    • Games Evening: Peer Review

      The invitation is only available in a German version.

      In cooperation with the Leopoldina, Die Junge Akademie cordially invites you to the first Leopoldina Games Evening on 18 November 2024 to test the science simulation game ‘Peer Review’.


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      Event access: Public

      18:00 — 20:00

    • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2025

      In 2025, the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte. (more information to follow)


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
      Markgrafenstr. 38
      10117 Berlin
      Room 230

    • Vernissage „Unendlichkeit – Leere – Lebendigkeit“ ('Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness')

      As part of the project ‘Infinity - Emptiness - Liveliness’, an exhibition will take place at the Planetarium in Hamburg from 25 January to 30 May 2025, presenting imaginations of boundlessness from an artistic, mathematical and physical perspective. The exhibition will open with a vernissage on 24 January 2025 from 6 pm.


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      Event access: Public

      Planetarium Hamburg
      Linnering 1 (Stadtpark)
      22299 Hamburg

      18:00 — 21:00

    • Science Communication

      As part of the ‘Science Communication’ project, members of Die Junge Akademie are developing guidelines for science communication by scientists.


      Charlotte Bartels, Johanna Gereke, Fabian Hruschka, Birgit Nemec, Viola Priesemann, Doris Segets and Leonie Wenz

      Berlin 2024

    • "Bridging the Gap": How scientific advice for environmental policy can succeed

      In the fall of 2023, members of Die Junge Akademie’s Research Group “Sustainability” held a round table discussion with 13 political decision-makers on how research on environmental issues influences their work and to what extent environmental policy reforms are guided by scientific findings.


      Linus Mattauch, Hermine Mitter, Leona Tenkhoff, Leonie Wenz

      Berlin 2024

      Suspension bridge on the summit of Mount Ai-Petri, Crimea in the fog.
    • Committed against racism

      Science meets activism

      What can science learn from activists?


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      Event access: Public

      Universität Greifswald & Katapult-Verlag

      15:00 — 13:00

    • AcadeMIX 2024

      Meeting format to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary cooperation between young Israeli and German academics


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      Event access: Internal


    • Interdisciplinary workshop "language use in science and humanities"

      In this workshop we want to try a little experiment “on our own” and compare scientific texts from different subjects to see how they use language to present scientific results. We are not concerned with an exact linguistic description of individual phenomena, but rather with our spontaneous impressions: How do texts from other disciplines affect us, which stylistic features surprise or irritate us, what seems familiar to us? What linguistic means do the articles use to present their problem/question? What is considered as 'fact' in each case? How is the argumentation made?


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal



    • Democracy and Science

      Under the title "Demokratie & Wissenschaft" ("Democracy and Science"), the JAM #30 deals with the connections and interaction between these pillars of society.


      Andrea Binder, Christopher Degelmann, Anne Hemkendreis, Rona Kobel, Nadine Mengis, Senthuran Varatharajah

      Berlin 2024

    • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2024

      Andere Zeiten, andere Räume

      In 2024, the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte. This year's event takes place on the topic of "Andere Zeiten, andere Räume" ('different times, different rooms'). The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who joined in the summer of 2023 will participate in the Salon with their own activity.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin Room 230

    • Joint session with the Young Academy of Sweden

      Die Junge Akademie is expecting visitors: representatives of the Young Academy of Sweden are travelling to Berlin for an exchange meeting.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


    • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2023

      Aufklärung 2.0

      In 2023, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte - this year under the motto "Enlightenment 2.0. The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who joined in the summer of 2022 will participate in the Salon with their own activity.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berlin-Bradenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin


    • Paths to science

      Die Junge Akademie is releasing the children’s book “Young Scientists” together with the Carl Hanser publishing house


      Two copies of the publication "Young Scientists" lie on a box.
    • KlimaLecture #8 Energiemärkte und Klimaschutz

      Are European energy markets fit for climate protection? What measures are already in place at the European and national level to promote the energy transition - which is still necessary? Where do we stand today in Europe's energy transition? What are the most significant challenges? What will future climate-neutral energy systems look like - and can they function under today's market rules?

      Representatives of Die Junge Akademie will discuss these questions with Johannes Schmidt (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) in the 8th ClimateLecture.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Networking Meeting at the Young Academy | Mainz

      Members from five German academies and colleges meet to network across academies and discuss tomorrow's science system.


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      Event access: Internal


    • Künstler*innengespräch A/Symmetrie

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Terminänderung (usprünglich 13.02.2023) Wie können künstlerische Werke neue Perspektiven auf A/Symmetrie denk- bzw. erlebbar machen? Im Künstler*innengespräch spricht Thorsten Merl mit den Künstler*innen Rona Kobel, Roman Lemberg und Florian Egermann über ihre Werke zu A/Symmetrie.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • A look at challenges facing the agrifood system

      Members of Die Junge Akademie’s Research Group “Sustainability” have published a contribution to the debate on the food transition. Titled “Die Zukunft der Ernährung in Europa: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven” [The Future of Food in Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives], the team of authors examines what it considers to be necessary changes in the agrifood system.


      Franziska Funke, Linus Mattauch, Thorsten Merl, Hermine Mitter, Viola Priesemann, Leonie Wenz, Anna Wiese

      Berlin 2023

      Bird's eye view of cultivated fields
    • Unspoken

      Under the title "Ungesagtes" ("Unspoken"), the five articles and one discussion deal with aspects that one would tend to contrast with and deduct from the ideal of objectivity of science as "subjective" parts. On the one hand, it is about what the researching subject brings into the scientific work in often subtle ways: own views, emotions, values, personal beliefs. On the other hand, the influence of everything subjective on human behavior is itself also a topic of research.


      Garvin Brod, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Julia Gurol, Sebastian Hellmeier, Viola Priesemann, Mira Sievers

      Berlin 2023

    • Zur A/Symmetrie pädagogischer Autorisierungen in Schule und Unterricht

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Zumeist gilt das Verhältnis von Erziehenden und Zu-Erziehenden aufgrund des Generationenverhältnisses als ein asymmetrisches. Diese anthropologisch bedingt verstandene Asymmetrie bildet einen zentralen legitimatorischen Ausgangspunkt zur Autorisierung pädagogischen Handelns in der Schule. Paradoxerweise wird die pädagogische Autorisierung zugleich als eine verstanden, die auf ihre eigene Abschaffung hin ausgerichtet ist. Thorsten Merls Vortrag beleuchtet entlang dieser erziehungswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven das Verhältnis von A/Symmetrie und pädagogischer Autorisierung im Kontext des Schulunterrichts.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Metaphern als Erkenntnisinstrument – eine linguistische Perspektive auf Metaphern der A/Symmetrie

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      In ihrem Vortrag wirft Constanze Spieß aus einer kognitionslinguistischen Perspektive einen Blick auf theoretische Aspekte des Metaphernbegriffs. Es werden verschiedene Erscheinungsformen der A/Symmetrie-Metapher in öffentlichen Diskursen und deren kommunikative Funktionalität thematisiert.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • A/Symmetrien, Europa und der globale Islam

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Für viele wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum modernen Islam und der ‚muslimischen Welt‘ bleiben Europa bzw. der Westen weiterhin der zentrale Bezugs- und Bewertungsrahmen. Dies hat konkrete Auswirkungen auf Forschungsfragen. In seinem Beitrag will Simon W. Fuchs zum einem dem Phänomen nachspüren, dass Europa als Modell gesehen wird - und die ‚muslimische Welt‘ nach ihren Symmetrien und Asymmetrien dazu bewertet wird. Daneben möchte er aber auch fragen, wie wir uns genau dieser ‚Vergleichsfalle‘ von A/Symmetrien entziehen können.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • A conversation analytical approach to A/Symmetries

      Colloquium „A/Symmetry — interdisciplinary Perspectives“

      In Conversation Analysis (CA), various a/symmetries are considered as an inherent part of interaction. In asymmetric interaction, the division of communication labour is uneven and the linguistically more competent participants carry the responsibility of taking the conversation forward. This might be a challenge especially for the more competent language users, who often seek advice on how to deal with the asymmetry. In Finland, guidelines for spoken Easy Language have been developed to support more competent speakers and to raise their language awareness.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Der symmetrische Fehlschluss. Kausale Asymmetrien in Politik und Politikwissenschaft

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Die praktische Politik versteht kausale Beziehungen häufig als inhärent symmetrisch. Der Vortrag von Lukas Haffert hinterfragt diese einfache Symmetrieannahme und argumentiert, dass viele kausale Beziehungen in der sozialen Welt inhärent asymmetrisch sind. Deshalb sollten die Politik, aber auch die Politikwissenschaft in ihrer Theorie und ihrer Empirie, asymmetrischen Wirkungsbeziehungen mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • AcadeMIX 2023 - call for applications

      Supported by the GIF (German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development), the Israel Young Academy and Die Junge Akademie invite their members to apply for the interdisciplinary seminar AcadeMIX2023. The seminar combines a writing retreat with the opportunity to interact with Israeli and German researchers from a wide range of intellectual fields and disciplines.


    • Kolonialität des Wissens und Asymmetrien in der globalen Wissensproduktion

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Der Beitrag von Julia Gurol thematisiert die kolonialen Kontinuitäten, die zu Asymmetrien in den globalen Strukturen der Wissensproduktion führen und diskutiert, in welcher Form Theorie in den Internationalen Beziehungen ihren Referenzrahmen über den sogenannten Globalen Norden hinaus expandieren und somit ihre konzeptuellen Ressourcen angesichts zunehmend globaler Herausforderungen erweitern kann.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Final event "7 Adventures"

      Lecture and discussion as part of the nationwide event series under the patronage of the Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger

      After six successful events on "The 7 Greatest Adventures in Mathematics", the Millennium Prize Problems, the nationwide event series under the patronage of the German Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger is coming to its final event in Berlin. The focus of the event is on the "Yang- Mills theory".


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      Event access: Public

      Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leibniz-Saal Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin

      18:00 — 20:30

      Bunte Rechtecke und rechteckige Ausschnitte von Gebäuden in schwarz-weiß sind ohne erkennbares Muster angeordet.
    • 2022 Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies

      The 2022 Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies (WWMYA) will take place in hybrid format from 1-3 November 2022 in Arizona, USA, and online.


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      Event access: Internal

      Arizona, USA

    • Millennium-Probleme der Mathematik: Abschluss der Reise durch die „7 Abenteuer“

      Herzliche Einladung der Jungen Akademie zu Vortrag und Diskussion am 18.11.2022 in Berlin im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Die 7 größten Abenteuer der Mathematik“ unter der Schirmherrschaft der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung Bettina Stark-Watzinger


      Bunte Rechtecke und rechteckige Ausschnitte von Gebäuden in schwarz-weiß sind ohne erkennbares Muster angeordet.
    • Transferveranstaltung „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“

      Am 7. November 2022 findet in Berlin das Symposium „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“ statt, das von der Universitätsallianz (UA) 11+ initiiert und organisiert wird und an dessen Ausrichtung die Junge Akademie gemeinsam mit dem Stifterverband als Kooperationspartnerin beteiligt ist.


    • Fall plenary session

      The members of the Junge Akademie gather thrice a year in alternating cities.


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      Event access: Internal

    • Workshop „Israel-Related Anti-Semitism”

      How can Israel-related anti-Semitism be recognised? What distinguishes it from legitimate criticism of Israeli policy? And how should comparisons and exaggerations be dealt with, especially in light of German history? Members of Die Junge Akademie would like to address these questions in a workshop. Speeches by experts from anti-Semitism research, linguistics, sociology and political science will serve as a basis.


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      Event access: Internal


    • Workshop „Interdisciplinary Conversations on the Fairness, Explainability and Uncertainty of AI“

      Members of the RG Artificial Intelligence will meet for an interdisciplinary dialogue on the chances and limits of AI and its applications. Different disciplines bring different perspectives to the table and similar sounding concepts do not necessarily mean the same. Moreover, even if concepts are the same across disciplines, different fields might focus on distinct aspects. The workshop “Interdisciplinary Conversations on the Fairness, Explainability and Uncertainty of AI” tries to bridge these gaps and brings researchers from different disciplines in conversation about these three major concepts of current research on AI.


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      Event access: Internal


    • Workshop "Artificial Intelligence in Biobanking"

      In diesem Workshop möchten Mitglieder der AG Künstliche Intelligenz Biobanking und Künstliche Intelligenz stärker zusammendenken. Es sollen weitere Anwendungsfelder identifiziert werden, um mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz das Biobanking zu optimieren und in seinen weiterführenden Implikationen zu beleuchten. Dabei soll der Fokus sowohl auf Aspekte wie IT-Prozesse, organisatorische Arbeitsabläufe oder Qualitätsmanagementmaßnahmen, als auch auf übergeordnete Fragestellungen ethischer, rechtlicher und gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung gelegt werden.


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      Event access: Internal


    • Workshop "Life with measurement: futures in the present"

      In an interdisciplinary workshop, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, together with Die Junge Akademie, puts the practices of surveying as part of everyday life up for discussion. The event aims to challenge the title of the BBAW's current annual theme 2021|22, "Die Vermessung des Lebendigen", in that the workshop does not juxtapose the practices of surveying with the living, but puts them up for discussion as part of everyday life.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      BBAW (Einstein-Saal), Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin

      10:00 — 18:00

    • Zu Gast im BMBF

      Under the title "Good Working Conditions in Science - Towards a Reform of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is organising a discussion panel on 27 June 2022 to take a closer look at the results of the evaluation of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act and to discuss its further development with various science stakeholders. Doris Segets will represent Die Junge Akademie on the panel "Is there a need to reform the WissZeitVG?"


      Starts on

      Event access: Public


      11:00 — 16:00

    • Workshop "Mental Images in the Middle Ages and Neuroscience - New Perspectives"

      As part of the project "Lucid Dreaming, Now and Then", medievalist Racha Kirakosian (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study) is organising an internal workshop on "Mental Images in the Middle Ages and Neuroscience - New Perspectives".

      The ability to see images before "the inner eye" was theoretically discussed in scholastic writings in the Middle Ages as well as critically presented in literary texts. Mental images such as visions, daydreams and sleep dreams played an important role in epistemological processes, religious experiences and artistic arguments for the question of finding and representing truth. Despite their importance for the historical understanding of the human brain, however, medieval concepts of "inner vision" remain under-researched. Can current findings from the neurosciences help to open up the medieval sources in a new way? And, conversely, can ideas from the Middle Ages inspire innovative experiments in the field of neuropsychology? The Hamburg workshop will address these questions by bringing together scientists from the relevant fields for an interdisciplinary discussion.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal

      Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study

    • Workshop "Data Science meets Landscape Ecology"

      Members of Die Junge Akademie meet junior researchers from the fields of Data Science and Landscape Ecology. From their disciplinary perspectives, they discuss the challenge of proposing the most sustainable possible concepts for the use of landscapes.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


    • Wissenschaftsjahr 2022 – Nachgefragt!

      Das Wissenschaftsjahr 2022 – Nachgefragt! ist am 14. Januar offiziell gestartet. Unsere Sprecherin Astrid Eichhorn ist Teil des 13-köpfigen Science Panels, das den Ideenlauf wissenschaftlich begleitet und gestaltet.


    • Fireside Talk with Claudia Lehmann

      Within the framework of a summer discussion evening, the members of AG TROIA meet Claudia Lehmann. She is the Managing Director of the Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and will provide interesting insights into her decades of experience with the topics of innovation and innovation transfer.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


      20:00 — 21:00

    • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022: Still, Life is Life

      The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities invites you to the Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022 - "still, LIFE IS LIFE". Hosting a special dinner party, Die Junge Akademie will contribute to the Salon.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 22:00

    • Workshop "The Digital City"

      During a tour of the CityScienceLab at HafenCity University Hamburg, members of the project group Augmented Smartness will look at the (potential) use of data in public organisations.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


    • „Mare Incognito“ at the Cambridge Festival

      Martin Dresler (neuroscience) and Fabian Schmidt (astrophysics) are part of the interdisciplinary project "Mare Incognito". At the Cambridge Festival, the team will present the project in a series of talks and film clips.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public


      13:00 — 14:30

    • Fireside Talk with Clemens Waitz

      The research group TROIA hosts a fireside evening with Clemens Waitz to talk to him about his experiences with scientific startups.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


      19:00 — 20:00

    • Workshop „Sehnsuchtsorte“

      Members of Die Junge Akademie are organising the workshop ”Sehnsuchtsorte‟ (Places of Longing). The thematisation and staging of places of longing in various fields, such as literature, music, art, politics, philosophy, science and society, will be examined and discussed.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal

      Villa La Collina

    • Fireside talk - RGs TROIA and AI

      The research groups TROIA and AI host a fireside talk with the astrophysicist and Erium founder Theo Steininger.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


      20:00 — 21:00

    • Podcastreihe „wissen – handeln?“

      In welchen Formen können und sollen sich Wissenschaftler*innen jenseits akademischer Diskurse gesellschaftlich engagieren und in öffentliche Debatten oder politische Entscheidungsprozesse einbringen? Darüber sprechen die Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe „Engagierte Wissenschaft“ in ihrer neuen Podcastreihe mit Wissenschaftler*innen von großer Sichtbarkeit.


    • Colloquium „Doing Asymmetry“

      Bettina M. Bock and Thorsten Merl are organising the colloquium "Doing Asymmetry: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Verbal Behaviour and Pedagogical Practice".

      On four dates, researchers will talk about the concept of asymmetry from linguistic, educational and sociological perspectives. What theoretical foundations and what implicit semantics exist in the disciplines, and in what way are they compatible with each other?


      Starts on

      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Colloquium „Doing Asymmetry“

      Bettina M. Bock and Thorsten Merl are organising the colloquium "Doing Asymmetry: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Verbal Behaviour and Pedagogical Practice".

      On four dates, researchers will talk about the concept of asymmetry from linguistic, educational and sociological perspectives. What theoretical foundations and what implicit semantics exist in the disciplines, and in what way are they compatible with each other?


      Starts on

      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • diejungeakademie@ Theater Neumarkt Zurich

      +++ new date +++

      The Middle East as a utopia? Where could concrete starting points for new utopias in the region lie, beyond the realm of day-to-day politics? Simon W. Fuchs andCaspar Battegayof Die Junge Akademie will discuss these and other questions with other experts at the Theater Neumarkt Zurich.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Theater Neumarkt Zurich

      20:00 — 21:30

    • Plea for factual reporting

      The Board of Die Junge Akademie strongly supports the call of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany for more objectivity in crises.


All results