All activities 16 results
The current issue of the Junge Akademie Magazine is all about ‘borders’. This year's issue sheds light on how the drawing and crossing of boundaries characterises our society and science, and invites readers to explore the dynamic between control and openness from different perspectives.
Berlin 2025
"Bridging the Gap": How scientific advice for environmental policy can succeed
In the fall of 2023, members of Die Junge Akademie’s Research Group “Sustainability” held a round table discussion with 13 political decision-makers on how research on environmental issues influences their work and to what extent environmental policy reforms are guided by scientific findings.
Berlin 2024
Expedition Anthropocene
As part of the "Expedition Anthropocene" project, six members of Die Junge Akademie travelled to Ecuador from 22 February to 9 March 2020. They have recorded their experiences and findings in a publication of the same name.
Berlin 2024
Democracy and Science
Under the title "Demokratie & Wissenschaft" ("Democracy and Science"), the JAM #30 deals with the connections and interaction between these pillars of society.
Berlin 2024
Workshop „Bridging the Gap“
The Sustainability Research Group is organising a workshop on the influence of research about environmental policy and sustainability on environmental policy decisions.
- Starts on
- 07.10.23
- Ends on
- 07.10.23
Event access: Internal
Workshop "Money and Society"
In an internal workshop, members of the Research Group "Money and Society" discuss with external guests.
- Starts on
- 27.04.23
- Ends on
- 27.04.23
Event access: Internal
A look at challenges facing the agrifood system
Publication of a contribution to the debate on the food transition
- date
- 23.02.23
A look at challenges facing the agrifood system
Members of Die Junge Akademie’s Research Group “Sustainability” have published a contribution to the debate on the food transition. Titled “Die Zukunft der Ernährung in Europa: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven” [The Future of Food in Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives], the team of authors examines what it considers to be necessary changes in the agrifood system.
Berlin 2023
Workshop "Data Science meets Landscape Ecology"
Members of Die Junge Akademie meet junior researchers from the fields of Data Science and Landscape Ecology. From their disciplinary perspectives, they discuss the challenge of proposing the most sustainable possible concepts for the use of landscapes.
- Starts on
- 15.06.22
Event access: Internal
KlimaLectures #7: Civil disobedience and climate change
The 7th KlimaLecture of Die Junge Akademie will focus on the meaning and justification of climate protests. How far can protest actually go in a democracy? What is meant by the term civil disobedience? And under what conditions can even radical protest be considered legitimate? After a keynote speech by Robin Celikates, Professor of Social Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin and Deputy Director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change, Eva Buddeberg and other members of Die Junge Akademie will discuss these questions with him and the participants of the event.
- Starts on
- 09.03.22
Event access: Public
18:00 — 19:30
Panel Discussion "Climate Sustainability in the Academic System – the Why and the How"
The ALLEA Working Group on Climate Sustainability in the Academic System invites to a virtual panel discussion. The event offers a preview of the report the working group is preparing on the topic, followed by a panel discussion. The challenges as well as opportunities that lie within academia’s transition to climate sustainability will be addressed, while also highlighting best-practise examples with an international and interdisciplinary perspective.
- Starts on
- 01.02.22
Event access: Public
15:00 — 17:00
KlimaLectures x KlimaDiskurse: An die Wurzeln. Warum wird nicht entschieden, was nötig wäre?
To the roots. Why is there no decision on what is needed?
"We need a new radicalism in political action" - this is one of the central messages of Bernd Ulrich, deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper Die ZEIT and co-author of "Noch haben wir die Wahl" (together with Luisa Neubauer, Fridays for Future). But why are decisions not being made on what would be necessary to solve the significant global challenges of our time, such as the climate crisis or the extinction
of species? And how can we achieve the required transformation of all areas of our lives and economies?
Representatives of Die Junge Akademie and the Bavarian Climate Research Network (bayklif) will discuss these and other theses with Bernd Ulrich at a joint event.
- Starts on
- 23.11.21
Event access: Public
18:00 — 19:30
KlimaLectures x KlimaDiskurse
„An die Wurzeln. Warum wird nicht entschieden, was nötig wäre?" - Eine Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem Bayerischen Netzwerk für Klimaforschung
- date
- 18.11.21
Visions for a Sustainable World and Solutions to Climate Problems
“Visions / Solutions” online competition run by Die Junge Akademie’s Sustainability research group seeks entries for a positive future by 31/03/2020 | Up to 2,000 euros to be won
- date
- 09.12.19
Wahre Reisekosten erstatten – für eine Umsteuerung bei Dienstreisen in der Wissenschaft
Im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Statements fordern die Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie verbindliche Regelungen zur Auslegung des Haushalts- und Zuwendungsrechts, um den Ausgleich von CO2-Emissionen bei jeder Dienstreise sowie die Erstattung der dabei entstandenen Kosten zu ermöglichen.
- date
- 19.11.19
Auftaktveranstaltung KlimaLectures #1 Mikroplastik
Vortrag von Dr. Thomas Mani am 18.10.19 in Berlin anschl. Diskussion mit Ricarda Winkelmann (Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung) und Robert Kretschmer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie)
- date
- 07.10.19