Activities overview

All activities 4 results

    • Conference „Sprache und Rhetorik des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2025“

      With a view to the Bundestag elections, the interdisciplinary conference is dedicated to linguistic topics in the research of campaign language and at the same time takes into account the social, political and media context.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Public

      Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
      Leipziger Str. 16
      10117 Berlin

      illuminated Bundestag dome at night
    • Borders

      The current issue of the Junge Akademie Magazine is all about ‘borders’. This year's issue sheds light on how the drawing and crossing of boundaries characterises our society and science, and invites readers to explore the dynamic between control and openness from different perspectives.


      Garvin Brod, Radin Dardashti, Johanna Gereke, Benedikt Hartl, Anne Hemkendreis, Jakub Limanowski, Hanna Pfeifer, Leonie Wenz, Kathrin Wittler

      Berlin 2025

      Green and white lettering on a pink background with a box structure. The word ‘Grenzen’ (Borders) can be read. At the top it says ‘Junge Akademie Magazin - 2025 #31’.
    • Anti-racism coaching

      Coaching on racism-critical and -sensitive perspectives in the sciences and how to transfer them into teaching.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal

      Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin

    • Democracy and Science

      Under the title "Demokratie & Wissenschaft" ("Democracy and Science"), the JAM #30 deals with the connections and interaction between these pillars of society.


      Andrea Binder, Christopher Degelmann, Anne Hemkendreis, Rona Kobel, Nadine Mengis, Senthuran Varatharajah

      Berlin 2024

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