Projects overview

Projects 15 results


Aside from their participation in the Research Groups, the members of Die Junge Akademie also carry out solitary projects. Symposia or conferences, the call for a prize question (which is traditional for academies), scientific parlour games or the always creative participation in the Salon Sophie Charlotte of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities – the formats are as varied as the subjects, as these range from linguistic questions and scientific freedoms to synthetic biology.

    • A/Symmetrie – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

      Zu den vielfältigen Bedeutungen des metaphorischen Konzepts A/Symmetrie in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften.

    • Augmented Smartness

      The potentials of new types of technologies and digital innovations are receiving enormous political and scholarly attention. In the course of the digital transformation, data is attracting particular attention as a new resource for innovation. The innovation potential of digital tools is identified in a broad spectrum of fields of action, such as the optimisation of decisions and the "fairer" distribution of resources and legal goods.


      Grafik auf der eine abstrakte Figur zu erkennen ist
    • Diversity

      Members of Die Junge Akademie have established the Diversity Initiative. This seeks to engage in a discussion of diversity and variety in the science system in sufficient depth and breadth, and to approach these topics in a critical and reflective manner. This is also intrinsically motivated, as Die Junge Akademie depends on the diversity of its members' perspectives, which form the basis for the academy's innovative strength and drive.


      Grafik mit bunten, in verschiedene Richtungen blickenden Köpfen, bei denen nur die Umrisse sichtbar sind
    • Discussion series "Please Irritate Me!"

      In collaboration with Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft, Die Junge Akademie organises a public discussion series with Peter-André Alt and guests on new perspectives in science and research.


    • Junge Akademie Magazine

      What does the future of science look like? Where do science and society meet? In which research worlds do the members of Die Junge Akademie move, which topics are currently of interest to them?


    • Children's book „Young Scientists“

      What paths lead to science and what did researchers actually do in their childhood? Together with Carl Hanser Verlag, Die Junge Akademie is publishing a children's book with the portraits of 30 scientists to show different careers and to awaken children's joy and interest in science.


      Circles, semicircles and bars in green, yellow, blue and black against a blue background with a green pattern
    • ClimateLectures

      The earth-ecosystem has always been shaped by human influences. However, at the latest since industrialisation in the 19th century, this human influence has taken on another dimension, so that science now speaks of a new epoch on Earth, the Anthropocene. The changes caused by anthropogenic influence on the ecosystem are worrying, as they impact habitats enormously, and in many regions, the livelihoods of plants, animals and humans are destroyed.


      Das Bild zeigt einen zerstörten Wald mit gefällten Bäumen, in der Mitte des Bildes sind ein paar Bäume übrig geblieben.
    • Peer Review

      Peer Review is a science simulation game for 4 to 6 players. Its goals are to educate junior scientists and encourage self-reflection in established scientists, as well as to give a broader interested public some insight into the mechanics of the scientific system.


      Eine Fotografie von Niels Bohr und Albert Einstein, die Peer Review Karten in den Händen halten.
    • Podcast series „wissen – handeln?“

      In the podcast series ‘know - act?’, members of Die Junge Akademie's various working groups discuss their topics with guests from politics, society, culture and science.


    • “Best Research Environment” award

      Die Junge Akademie and the Volkswagen Foundation are this year launching the inaugural award for the best research environment.


    • Salon Sophie Charlotte

      The Salon Sophie Charlotte at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is an event that is open to all interested members of the public. It takes place annually, in the venerable halls of the academy and focusses on a new topic each year.


      Das Bild zeigt den Salon Sophie Charlotte der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der abends in vielen Farben beleuchtet wurde.
    • Environmental Circus

      Circus as a metaphor for sustainability discourse? Daring manoeuvres, fragile balance, free fall: artistry and acrobatics offer gripping images that are aesthetically appealing and emotionally moving. Are they also suitable for scientific-ecological comparisons?


    • Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness

      Infinite expanses, infinite emptiness, finite knowledge? What are the implications of the supposed infinity of the universe for science, art and economy? How can we rethink the universe?

      The research project "Infinity - Emtiness - Liveliness" explores the question of what it means to be human in the transplanetary age.


      Das Bild zeigt eine Person, die auf einem Hügel steht und in den Sternenhimmel blickt. Die Silhouette der Person wird von einem violetten und rosa Nachthimmel voller Sterne eingerahmt.
    • Science Communication

      Effective science communication is a challenging task: Both in terms of content and because of the significance of the results for society and politics. Proposals are needed on how academics can effectively communicate knowledge, but also the uncertainties of scientific findings, in order to constructively contribute to public discourse.


      Ein Photo einer Gruppe von Protestierenden, die vor einem rosa Boot auf dem Boden sitzen. Auf dem Boot steht in schwarzer Farbe "Tell the truth". Auf dem Boot spricht eine Frau in ein Mikrophon. Die Protestierenden scheinen der Gruppe Extinction Rebellion anzugehören.
    • Science – Commitment – Authority

      As part of the so-called third mission, universities and scientists are increasingly expected to tie research activities more closely to society, be it in the form of easily understandable science communication, advice for politics and business or other forms of social engagement. However, the relationship between scientific knowledge generation and social and political engagement is quite complex.


      Das Foto zeigt eine Kundgebung, auf der jemand ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Scientists for Future" hochhält.
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