Garvin Brod

Psychology / Educational research
Year 2020

DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation

Abteilung für Bildung und Entwicklung

Rostocker Straße 6 60442 Frankfurt am Main

Portrait of Garvin Brod
Photo: Katarzyna Mazur

Research areas

  • Effects of educational interventions during childhood

  • Development of learning and memory

  • Technology-based individualization of interventions


Selection of


    • Conference „Sprache und Rhetorik des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2025“

      With a view to the Bundestag elections, the interdisciplinary conference is dedicated to linguistic topics in the research of campaign language and at the same time takes into account the social, political and media context.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Public

      Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
      Leipziger Str. 16
      10117 Berlin

      illuminated Bundestag dome at night
    • Borders

      The current issue of the Junge Akademie Magazine is all about ‘borders’. This year's issue sheds light on how the drawing and crossing of boundaries characterises our society and science, and invites readers to explore the dynamic between control and openness from different perspectives.


      Garvin Brod, Radin Dardashti, Johanna Gereke, Benedikt Hartl, Anne Hemkendreis, Jakub Limanowski, Hanna Pfeifer, Leonie Wenz

      Berlin 2025

      Green and white lettering on a pink background with a box structure. The word ‘Grenzen’ (Borders) can be read. At the top it says ‘Junge Akademie Magazin - 2025 #31’.
    • Vom Lern-Muffel zum Lern-Ninja

      Mit dem Übergang zur Sekundarstufe beginnt für Kinder und Jugendliche die Notwendigkeit, selbstorganisiert zu lernen. Dieser Comic zeigt Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen zehn und vierzehn Jahren, wie einfach das gelingen kann.

      Solveig Gresselmeyer


      Titelblatt des Comics. Eine Frau reitet auf einer Rakete durch den Weltraum.
    • Children's book „Young Scientists“

      Together with Carl Hanser publishing house, Die Junge Akademie has published the children's book "Young Scientists - 30 Forschende und ihre Wege in die Wissenschaft".


      Miriam Holzapfel

      Berlin 2023

      Cover des Buches "Young Scientists"
    • Unspoken

      Under the title "Ungesagtes" ("Unspoken"), the five articles and one discussion deal with aspects that one would tend to contrast with and deduct from the ideal of objectivity of science as "subjective" parts. On the one hand, it is about what the researching subject brings into the scientific work in often subtle ways: own views, emotions, values, personal beliefs. On the other hand, the influence of everything subjective on human behavior is itself also a topic of research.


      Garvin Brod, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Julia Gurol, Sebastian Hellmeier, Viola Priesemann, Mira Sievers

      Berlin 2023

    • Change of roles

      We all change roles in different life situations. This is not different in science, as the Covid-19 situation shows particularly clearly with regard to the role of scientists, for example as communicators and advisors of politicians. But role changes are also omnipresent as an object of science. Issue 27 of JAM approaches the topic from different perspectives.


      Astrid Eichhorn, Michael Saliba, Erik Schilling

      Berlin 2020

      Grafik mit farbigen Streifen und dem Schriftzug "Rollenwechsel"