• Events
  • Workshop "Internationalisation"

Workshop "Internationalisation"


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Event access: Internal

Since the founding of the Research Group Internationalisation in 2016, the concept and practice of internationalisation in the academic world have undergone extreme change in the wake of a changing "world order" and global power asymmetries - one could even speak of an era of post-internationalisation or "second wave internationalism". Within the framework of a one-day ideas workshop on 4 October 2023 in Potsdam, the working group would like to critically reflect on current concepts and practices of internationalisation and consider where Die Junge Akademie can set priorities in this important field of science policy. Existing initiatives in Die Junge Akademie and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, such as the TransEurope network, the exchange with the German Israeli Foundation and the various ALLEA initiatives, as well as existing reflections on diversity and sustainability, should also be included.

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    • AcadeMIX 2.0

      Die Junge Akademie and the Israel Young Academy are organising a symposium on the future role of scientific research and academic cooperation in the 21st century. The event will take place in Berlin from 17 to 20 February 2025.


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      Event access: Internal

    • Please Irritate Me: Order and irritation

      How can breaking the rules foster innovation and why do we need a radical rethink in construction and urban planning?

      Peter-André Alt talks to architect Benedikt Hartl about how breaking the rules can foster innovation and why we need a radical rethink in construction and urban planning.


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      Event access: Public

      Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
      Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 2. Hof / Eingang H1
      10179 Berlin

      19:00 — 20:30

    • Summer plenary session

      The fifty members of Die Junge Akademie meet three times a year for a plenary session. The summer plenary session is held in Berlin.


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      Event access: Internal