• Events
  • Symposium „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“

Symposium „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“


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09:00 — 19:00

Leibniz-Saal of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Event access: Public

The conditions for conducting research and transferring scientific findings to the industry in a meaningful way through innovation are good in Germany. However, in practice, it is challenging to generate innovations in exchange with industry. Systemic hurdles, but also structural challenges, are responsible for this.

Spin-offs from the scientific system are suitable for implementing the necessary processes. At the same time, the hurdles mentioned above and challenges would need to be removed to return society's investment in science in the form of scientific developments and findings.

As part of the symposium “Technology and Innovation Transfer” initiated by the German University Alliance (UA) 11+, individual aspects of transfer in Germany will be highlighted on November 7, 2022, in Berlin. Experts from science, industry and politics will discuss topics such as the importance of transfer for the positioning of universities, transfer as an engine for the economy and society – regional and supraregional funding aspects, transfer and its importance for the environment and sustainability, and the future of transfer.

Along with the Stifterverband, Die Junge Akademie is involved in organizing the event as a cooperation partner.

The members of the Research Group Transfer of Innovation in Academia of Die Junge Akademie Isabel Nahal Schellinger, Michael Saliba and Timo de Wolff have contributed to the conceptual design of the event and will be participants on the discussion panels.

The event will be held in German. Admission is free, registration is required.

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