• Events
  • Antiquity Slam with Christopher Degelmann

Antiquity Slam with Christopher Degelmann


Starts on

19:00 — 21:00


Event access: Public

The Antiquity Slam is a science slam especially for and about the ancient sciences.

This year it is going into its 5th round. In a relaxed atmosphere, five scientists from disciplines such as classical archaeology, ancient history, prehistory and early history or numismatics present their current research topics to a curious audience. The topics range from the expressive potential of ancient Greek coins and their intermedial development, the Emperor Augustus and his reception in the Byzantine Empire, to the question of what terracottas are doing in Athenian tombs or the Attic rumour mill in the 5th and 4th centuries BC and what it meant for democracy. Among the presenters will be Christopher Degelmann, who joined Die Junge Akademie this year. While the speakers will be live on stage in the Einstein Hall of the BBAW and will present their research contributions in ten entertaining minutes, the audience will watch digitally and vote for the best contribution at the end of the evening. As always, the winner will be honoured with the coveted laurel wreath.

A cooperation event of the Berliner Antike-Kolleg and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

You can watch a livestream of the event from 7 pm on Youtube.


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      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berliner Sparkasse Alexanderplatz 2 10178 Berlin
