
How are images produced and employed in different cultures and what is the impact that the images have in their respective contexts?

Ein Foto einer geografischen Karte, auf der bestimmte Gebiete mit einem Kreis markiert sind.
Foto: Clay Banks

Illustrations and images occur in academic work in many contexts. On the one hand, they are used to visualise research data, while on the other hand, photos and videos also serve as research methods or research objects themselves.

High-quality visualisations of research findings are becoming increasingly important in scientific publications, and nowadays some of them are produced by professional graphic design agencies. Naturally it is in the interest of every scientist to depict research findings in a powerful and easily comprehensible way that enables clear comparisons, whether that’s in a scientific journal, in a teaching situation, or when interacting with society more broadly. At the same time, a clever presentation of data can also be problematic, as it can come across as manipulative, call forth certain emotions in viewers, or hide weaknesses of a data set.


Symposium and Workshop „Ars Memoriae“

On the 7th of December, the neuroscientist Martin Dresler organizes, within the research group Visualisation, a symposium entitled "Ars Memoriae". Memory techniques are explored from different angles - including history, psychology and neuroscience. Subsequently, an internal workshop on mnemonics for members of Die Junge Akademie will take place on the 8th of December.


Symposium „Intermediary Images“

On June 13 and June 14 2018 the research group Visualisation held a symposium on the intermediary role of images in the fields of art and literature, psychology, sound and performance, and archives and activism. The symposium provided a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange on the way in which scientists use images and visualisations within their research fields.


Workshop „Graphic Recordings“

In January 2017 the research group Visualisation met for a workshop. One result of the workshop were graphic recordings showing the work of some members of Die Junge Akademie.


Short Film Competition „Be A Better Being“


„Tracking The Traffic“


participating Members

participating Alumnae / Alumni


    • Sag', wie hältst du's mit der Visualisierung?

      Miriam Akkermann ist Musikwissenschaftlerin und Klangkünstlerin an der Universität Bayreuth. Neben der Musik fasziniert sie auch das Thema Visualisierung. Als Sprecherin der gleichnamigen AG erklärt sie uns diese Faszination.


      mehrdimensionale Struktur aus Spiegelflächen