• Publications
  • Young Academies' Call for Action: Reaffirming the Role of Fundamental Sciences

Young Academies' Call for Action: Reaffirming the Role of Fundamental Sciences



Die Junge Akademie joins the call of 30 other international Young Academies and organisations that emphasise the importance of fundamental research in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. With "A Call for Action from Young Academies and Young Associations: Reaffirming the Role of Fundamental Sciences in Achieving Sustainable Development through Enhanced and Equitable Support of Fundamental Research and Early- to Mid-Career Researchers", the signatory organisations express their dismay at the global decline in spending on fundamental research and make proposals to strengthen it. Among other things, they call for the promotion of interdisciplinary and international research collaborations and investment in the education and training of young researchers.

The Call for Action can be viewed here.

Further information on the Call for Action can be found on the Global Young Academy website.

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